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Joanne's Approach to
Financial Healing

I am the proud daughter of immigrant Pilipino parents and a proud UCLA Bruin. We didn’t have a lot of financial resources growing up, but my scrappy parents somehow figured it out with four daughters while they figured out this complex financial system. I know there could be more resources for families like mine who started with very little, so my passion in life is helping others find those resources and build that intergenerational wealth.

I am your Financial Healing Coach! I am an Accredited Financial Counselor & Educator (AFC®) and Certified Financial Social Work Coach with the aspiration to change the world one budget at a time. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by mounting debt obligations, an unsteady job market, competing priorities, lack of resources, or just stuck in a financial rut, let me help! I’ve been there and back again, so I know how it is. There is no shame in starting over or just barely starting.

My story

As immigrants from the Philippines, my parents were often victims of loan sharking and lack of financial education that resulted in costly mistakes. So I made it my mission to be my family's personal finance nerd, with the help of early personal finance blogs such as NerdWallet and Money Under 30.

Then, I overcame $100,000 worth of debt with large helpings of anxiety and hopelessness along the way. Thankfully, I survived that crushing debt and lack of knowledge, but not without patience, humility, and more patience. Now, I'm able to prioritize the things I love: adventuring with my family, creating impactful art, and giving back to my community.


My approach

I am your Financial Healing Coach, bringing heart and healing to money management. As an Accredited Financial Counselor & Educator, Certified Financial Social Work Coach, and Profit First Coach; and as a POC who's been through many financial downs, I am equipped with empowering tools to facilitate a brave and understanding space for reflection, real action-planning, accountability, and client-centered solutions.

I meet you where you are without judgment and knowing that sometimes, you just need someone to reflect back on you what may be holding you back and to sit with you in your discomfort around money.

My services

I am a Financial Healing Coach bringing heart and healing to money management. I work one-on-one with individuals, couples, and entrepreneurs and in group coaching cohorts. I also lead webinar courses for people like me who may not have started with the strongest base of knowledge.

My specialties lie in debt management, budgeting, credit repair, couples and finances, and preparing for investing. 

Curious about working with me? Book a free 30-minute discovery call with me to see how we can work together and help move your financial situation onward and upward.